Monday, April 8, 2013

SHIPITO.COM Probably Involved In Identity Theft

Phone: 310-212-7134

As I took the service of, a mail forwarding company, I found out that their business policy is not transparent. The purpose of mentioning this is nothing but the way they work. Often they ask for confidential information or further Ids from their clients; although at the time of subscribing for their service, they collect the client information alike any other mail forwarding service provider. And they don’t have any apparent reason to make such rubbish demand. Exactly that is what happened in many others’ cases as well. Reviewing the US law for such services revealed that a company can’t ask for such Ids that would put an individual at risk financially or by some other way. The only reason appeared to me as logical for such bizarre demand made by is scamming people using those confidential or further Ids. As soon as they are not given the Ids, they stop keeping the mails and parcels of the clients who were asked to provide further confidential. This kind of demand for additional Ids are just invalid and reflexes dishonest intention of

Though offers virtual mailing address in the US, the best way is avoiding them. Digging a bit it would be possible to find a better company than which would probably offers the similar features as without annoying their clients. The ridiculous things one has to face while dealing with is not ended yet; the annual charge of mail forwarding service is $50. Right after cancelling the subscription they don’t refund this USD 50, though they are not continuing the service anymore. That means not keeping or forwarding the mails. I am sure that no law supports this kind of activities of This company should be tried. 

Before legal actions are taken against, people should be aware of the scam of; unless they could lose their precious mails, parcels, or Ids to 

The last two month of my contract with was so horrible that they didn’t even keep my mails and parcels. Those were gone permanently. In addition, the $50 that I had to pay was not refunded too. To sum up, cost me both time and money. This is scam and illegal. If you are currently seeking a company for mail forwarding, then just write down ‘Company name customer review’ on the Google search box. Instantly you will find tons of result including customer testimonial or opinion about the company, which someone wants to verify. This is a great way to learn about a company whether they are reliable or not. Another advantage of this kind of search is, if the company is in an act of something illegal, the search result shows them as well. As people who had bad experience with the company share their experience, which is in result helpful for a person who is wanting to reach a deal with the company, but unaware of the dark deeds of the that company or business. 

If I followed these steps, I would not have to suffer by now. Therefore, all my mails and parcels would remain safe. However, I think my candid expression could help someone else inside or outside the states. For your information, mail forwarding service is spread in other parts of the world as well. Thus, many people are getting scammed by each day. If people were educated about what this is really up to, they could save themselves; sharing this post would be advantageous for someone who doesn’t know about’ filthy work. 

You can share your own experience with me on this blog. This would definitely be a great help to resist from scamming people. This could also show light to a person seeking for a good mail forwarding service provider, but doesn’t know what to do exactly. The way works that means not keeping clients’ mails or parcels even after charging them with the subscription fee, and then asking them for further confidential Ids, is not eligible at all. This is a silent but clear scam. The final establishment of which is not refunding the money paid for subscription, even though the service has been cancelled. Stay alert and boycott



  1. No offense, but I'm finding this all too hard to believe.

    1- as many people now recognize, competitive websites are paying people/ discounting members to write bad reviews on cheaper forwarding.

    2- if you are an advocate of some sort to prevent people for buying at shipito, why is this blog the only internet related article to your name. Shouldn't you at least have some sort of social media account.

    3- in some of these blog post, you give an introduction as if to imply the post was outside of your normal blog content. This whole blog is about Shipto. If you had another blog about your life, fashion, cats, etc. I would be more inclined to believe your story- but this is your only blog, only name reference site and you have 0 followers.

    If this is all true, my apologies but critically thinking- you sound fake.

    1. As a customer of shipito I have used the service for 6 months and on my first multipack shipment (collectively $2000!) The packages have gone missing and I'm just getting bs excuses. It's been 2 weeks and still no reply. Scum scammer dogs.

    2. As a customer of shipito I have used the service for 6 months and on my first multipack shipment (collectively $2000!) The packages have gone missing and I'm just getting bs excuses. It's been 2 weeks and still no reply. Scum scammer dogs.

  2. This is a great way to learn about a company whether they are reliable or not. Another advantage of this kind of search is, if the company is in an act of something illegal, the search result shows them as well.

  3. I have reviewed a lot of package forwarding companies, beside the usual high charges like membership charges/month, then they make money of shipping and a lot of hidden charges etc.I am sick of all these companies But finally there is a company who is doing business honestly,
    Global Shopaholics LLC
    They don't have any membership fees and they have the lowest shipping rates out there, And above all of these they have introduced a total new concept, Shoppers : These are certified people by Global Shopaholics. They go out on shopping for you and then ship the item to your home address using Global Shopaholics Shipping rates and also if you want you can Skype or periscope them while they are shopping for you and have an experience of shopping the respective country. Lets say you wana have shopping in US, Shopper will go out shopping for you ( as this will be useful because a lot of big companies and stores do not forward to package forwarding companies so this is a very good alternative ) and you can have an experience of shopping in USA by video shopping too.
    I think this is the best option for package forwarding out there .
    Global Shopaholics
    Try it and tell everybody else about the experience about it too.

  4. boleh cuba viabox untuk hantar bungkusan dari luar negara. murah dan tiada kos tersembunyi. menjanjikan penghantarn dalam tempoh sehari ditempah.

  5. I think you could try Viabox, they're the best Freight Forwarders in the market, they even accept bitcoins as payment and their customer service answers to any of you queries in just 1 to 12 hours.

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