Saturday, March 16, 2013

SHIPITO.COM is the other name of failure in mail forwarding

Phone (USA): 310-212-7134 is the kind of mail forwarder that will show several benefits of dealing with them. But the true fact about this company is it would just ask you to provide them with your confidential and if you refuse providing so, they will not refund the annual fee of $50 charged by Everyday many people are getting scammed by

I have to admit, the website, is quite attractive for the people who are eager to shop from the US, and want to get their own US address for forwarding mail or packages. People who don’t know the true intention of can’t be blamed, as they are just seeing the outer look of this company. Inside, it’s fully rotten.

Here is how make people lose money to them. After paying the annual fee of $50 for, you will be given a US address. As said by you can do all your shopping using this single address. The problem is they claim the address as unique as well as verified. In the realty it just some shit talk. The same address is sometimes offered to a number of clients. It is a cheating, since it puts your valuable mail and package at risk.

However, for a definite time they will forward your mails punctually. Then after a certain period, they will stop forwarding your mails. They will not even inform you about that. And when you contact them, it will be told they are not currently receiving your mails because of lack of reliability of your Id; thereby, you would be asked to give more Ids. Including the most sensitive and vulnerable ones. These Ids might be very crucial for your business or personal usage. But will ask for this. You can’t give them such Ids, as they could scam you. You can’t believe them, since they would have already stopped keeping your mails which is an apparent sign of cheating.

Then there is no other way left for you except asking to refund the fee of $50 that you have paid as annual charge for mail forwarding service, but forget it, the request for refund will be denied immediately. That’s what happened in case of many people who dealt with
They will keep that fee even they are not providing service. Kind of blackmail this is I think. No way left for you; you can’t risk your Ids, since there is a possible chance of identity theft by

So, all you can do is giving up the hope of getting back $50 you already paid to them. By dealing with you become a looser from the both end. You miss some valuable mails as well as a fee of $50. There is no way to compensate for your loss. If you think, you would be successful in getting compensation from, and it will be definitely a foil attempt. This company exactly knows what they are doing, and makes terms, conditions according to it. Alike any other scams this is a trick too. Apparently, they do work on the sides on which people are bound and tied.

The only way left to save yourself and your valuable business is not dealing with

You might fall for wonderful auctions running on, but this is another trick to scam people. By doing so, they can catch people’s attention instantaneously. So people would have preferred this website on the first place. This is like a spider wave; once you get attracted and subscribe for the service, no way except being getting eaten. More literary, is that spider.

In the last phase of this discussion, my recommendation will be try something else but not Why risk your valuable mail and packages when you have many other similar service providers around? Might be those sites don’t provide lucrative copywriting like did, but when it comes to show some work, they are definitely reliable and efficient. Moreover, they know the concerns of their clients, and do respect their clients’ confidentiality. When you are searching for a mail forwarding company, these qualities should be counted as perquisites.     




  1. There is no way to compensate for your loss. If you think, you would be successful in getting compensation from, and it will be definitely a foil attempt. This company exactly knows what they are doing, and makes Mail forwarding Service Australia terms, conditions according to it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. well Karma is a bitch GoddessGreedy ;)

  3. indeed. some time bad thing happen to bad person
